Important Update:
Scientific investigation shows 7 out of 10 CBD products do not contain what they say on the label… Naturopathic doctor reveals the only kind of enhanced CBD he recommends for his family.

Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Olson, ND.
… look closely at the photo on your screen.
Do you see the yellow liquid in this vial?
Animal science shows this yellow liquid could have the potential to help “shut off” the signals that cause those occasional aches and pangs in all parts of the body like your lower back, knees, hips, shoulders…
Reports from everyday men and women sing its praises for all sorts of discomforts… and also for improved sleep…
This is a certain kind of enhanced cannabidiol oil… or CBD
CBD is a natural, non-addictive, extract from the cannabis plant…
…and it's quickly becoming a go-to solution for thousands of men and women across America who are already using it…
But, I need to give you an important WARNING:
Do NOT take CBD until you watch this entire presentation…
Because I'm about to expose how a special, enhanced CBD is the only kind I recommend you should use for yourself or your loved ones.
Now it is true, people online are raving about CBD's power, saying things like “This has changed my life! And saved it!”
One man shared his story online.
He says, “I recently returned to my job feeling better than ever.”
I could tell many stories of success – and every day brings more.
In fact, Forbes magazine reported that more and more people are using CBD in place of other solutions.
Which is why Medical News Today and Harvard University are demanding more scientific research into the power of CBD.
Perhaps happy user Eric David in San Antonio, TX best summed up the truth about CBD when he wrote online, “God gave us something great!”
And, in a moment, I'll show you how a NEW kind of CBD could be the solution for Americans in need.
I'll also show you how to get it…
…because the wrong kind may NOT work for you.
As a naturopathic doctor, there is only one kind of CBD I approve for my patients and family.
And, when you get the right kind, you could start to see how it's the key your body needs to help provide the results you're looking for.
So, let's get started right now.
Chances are, you've heard about CBD before.
Perhaps a friend has begged you to try CBD, so you could feel how it could help relieve those occasional aches and pangs.
Or maybe you want to get some for your spouse, who could use some added support for their joints?
You want to see if the claims of how it can bring blessed relief are true...
If so, you're not alone.
The fact is, most of the research done on CBD is only on animals so far.
So, it's important to keep that in mind (though I'll tell you about one exciting human study in a bit).
But that's why leading scientists from the University of Cambridge and Oxford University are frantically studying CBD…
…to learn why it holds so much potential for supporting our health.
In fact, I asked the 200,000+ men and women who read my cutting-edge health newsletter, Living Well Daily, if they're interested in CBD.
The response overwhelmed our email inbox
We heard from readers who got amazing results when they tried CBD for the first time…
A woman named Faye wrote to say she loves CBD and uses it every time her joints flare up from “overwork.”
One reader, Jim, wrote in to say CBD helped his foot discomfort.
Susanna from Towson, Maryland, said CBD even helped her back.
A man named Richard wrote, “CBD oil has changed my life!”
“The more often I use CBD, the more things I realize it has helped.”
One man named Bill wrote, “I am 68 years old and have been occasionally waking up between 3:00 am and 4:00 am for years. I have tried every kind of sleeping solution there is and nothing works.
“But I've been using CBD for about two weeks now and it is helping. Last week I slept from 10:30 to 6:00!!! I haven't done that in what feels like forever.
“What a wonderful feeling! I'm so glad I am finally getting sleep like I used to.”
As a naturopathic doctor, it thrills me to get letters like this.
And these are just a tiny fraction of the stories I've heard of CBD changing people's lives.
I'm sure you've come across plenty yourself.
More and more people are discovering CBD is the answer they've been looking for.
But those weren't the only notes I received.
I also heard from men and women who tried CBD and didn't get the results they wanted.
Or they were worried to even try CBD because they're unsure about its purity and quality.
And there IS reason to be concerned…
… that's why I put together this presentation.
Today, I'm going to share the uncensored truth about how CBD could help work directly on a very specific type of health receptor…
…to help make your whole body feel better.
Plus – and this is important – I'll show you how to make sure you're getting ONLY the right kind of CBD.
In the next few moments, I'm pulling back the curtain on CBD…
…and exposing the potential power of a new, enhanced CBD that no one is telling you about.
I'm going to answer all your most burning questions about CBD. How it can't get you high. How it's non-addictive and why I recommend it.
So, let's get started right now.
First, I want you to picture this…
You walk out to your mailbox and find a discreet package.
“Aha!” you think. “It's arrived.”
You grab it, head inside, and open the box.
Beneath the wrapping paper are 3 small bottles.
Your spouse overhears the commotion and asks, “Honey, what's that?”
“It's my CBD formula!” you whisper.
“Oh! I saw on TV that it could help relieve occasional aches and pains. But our friends said they tried it and it didn't work. They think they got the wrong stuff… How do you know this is the right kind?”
“I got it all figured out,” you answer. “I learned how to choose the right stuff.”
You pour yourself a glass of water, open up your first bottle, and hold 1 tiny capsule in your hand.
Then, you pop it in your mouth… and you can't help smiling with excitement.
After all, you've learned how CBD specifically targets a unique system in your body.
And you've also learned about how a formula adding two other special nutrients to that CBD could provide even greater results for comfort and relaxation than CBD alone.
You keep taking your new CBD formula and, one day…
You glance at your clock: 6:29 PM. Just in time to sit back and watch the evening news.
You turn on your TV, kick back, and as you watch your show, you notice something surprising…
You feel comfortable from head to toe—no aches from the day's work and activities.
You ease off your couch and saunter to your kitchen. But something strange has happened.
Your joints feel GREAT.
Could this CBD formula really be working?
Perhaps later in the evening, as you prepare for bed, you can't help but feel pleased at how comfortable your body feels.
As you get that sleepy feeling, you realize something else that's amazing…
Most nights, you'd feel a dull ache in your back after chores like laundry or cleaning. Maybe your shoulder or knees hurt after a day tending your garden. And it keeps you awake.
Then you'd feel anxious about getting to sleep. You'd toss and turn, trying to find that perfect position…
But not tonight. Instead, you feel relaxed and carefree… you close your eyes…
…and when you blink them open, you realize it's morning.
You slept through the whole night. Just like other men and women who've reported the same thing.
And your body feels better than ever.
“I. Love. This. CBD Formula,” you think
After you jump out of bed and take another dose, you pat yourself on the back for doing your research and choosing the right stuff.
Your spouse is impressed too – and asks if you can share!
Now, I don't blame you if that sounds like a fantasy.
But now science is uncovering the truth about CBD and how it could be the key to promoting head-to-toe comfort…
And while human studies are still limited, I've heard countless stories from men and women across America who are getting relief with CBD.
Right now… the challenge is getting your hands on the right kind of CBD.

That's where I come in.
My name, again, is Dr. Scott Olson, ND.
Nearly 25 years ago, I worked construction.
The heavy labor left my body wracked with aches and pains.
It was just too much.
What finally saved me…
…was becoming a doctor myself.
That's right, I studied naturopathic medicine to save my own health.
Not just the standard treatments, but cutting-edge natural solutions, too.
However, it wasn't until someone else raved to me about CBD that I finally tried it…
…and was astounded at how it made me feel.
Long story short, I wouldn't be here today – the healthiest and most pain-free I've ever felt – if it weren't for the help of CBD.
It's been almost two decades since my construction job beat me up. But now I run several miles almost every single day.
I've even recommended CBD to both my 87-year-old father and my 82-year-old uncle. It helps them dramatically – both with their joint health and how well they sleep.
Since founding innovative, natural health medical practices in both Tennessee and Colorado, I've helped American seniors ease their aches and pangs.
And CBD has become one of my top recommendations. It's simply that impressive.
And, unlike other solutions pushed by the medical system, CBD is natural.
It's one of God's greatest gifts
But I understand that regular folks still have a lot of questions about using CBD…
One of the most common questions is, “Are the rumors true? Could CBD help as much as I've heard?”
While more research in humans needs to be done, as you'll soon see, new science is showing us CBD could be like a powerful key for dialing down discomfort in a completely unique way…
In my experience as a naturopathic physician, CBD works better than most anything I've seen. Now, let's dive into exactly how CBD may work.
Then, I'll show you my “Doctor's 3-Point Checklist” for choosing the right kind of CBD.
CBD works on something in your body called the endocannabinoid system.
It's not the easiest word to pronounce – or spell – and maybe you've never heard of your endocannabinoid system. But you need to…
… because this system helps control how you feel from head to toe.
Now, you can't point to your endocannabinoid system like you can point to your heart or your lungs.
Instead, your endocannabinoid system is made up of billions and billions of receptors all over your body.

They're everywhere from your hands, legs, back, shoulders, and neck… to inside your brain.
In fact, you have more endocannabinoid receptors in your brain than just about any other receptor.
But it isn't just your brain. These receptors are also deep in your joints, in something called synovial fluid.
If you think of your joints like hinges, the synovial fluid is like the lubricant that keeps everything moving smoothly. It's crucial for how your joints feel…
Now, here's how all these receptors work...
When you experience pain, a signal gets sent to your brain.
But when your endocannabinoid receptors are activated and turned on, they help block that signal from reaching your brain.
In fact, leading physicians are now confirming that if your endocannabinoid receptors don't get switched on, you're more likely to feel that discomfort in your overworked joints.
It can even lead to occasional back pain, headaches, bloating, gas…
… and sometimes you might lie in bed at night, trying to sleep but your exhausted mind keeps racing about health issues, bills, family, looping and looping…
Any of that feel familiar?
When your body is sending pain and anxious signals to your brain…
… your endocannabinoid receptors could be waiting for a certain key.
…when they're activated and switched on, the signal stops. It helps reduce these signals from getting to the brain.
Then you can relax as your body returns to a balanced state—calm and comfortable.
You can go for a bike ride and your knees won’t bother you as much…
You can go for a bike ride and your knees won't bother you as much…
You can clean out your garage and your lower back will feel better…
… and you start thinking it might be fun to surprise your spouse with some two-step dance lessons, to celebrate how good you're feeling!
That's how powerful your
endocannabinoid system is
In fact, when scientists began discovering these receptors, they named the first one anandamide, after the Sanskrit word for bliss.
Now, how do you actually switch your receptors on? You need a key…
The good news is, we are learning more and more about how the endocannabinoid system works…
Including how to help activate those receptors.
One of the keys to the endocannabinoid receptors… is CBD.
The way CBD works has been the subject of numerous animal and in vitro studies.
And scientists have found that CBD fits into the endocannabinoid receptor like how a key slips into a lock.
Some scientists believe that when CBD fits into your endocannabinoid receptors, it can help unlock relief from occasional pain and discomfort.
… and very preliminary research is showing it could work better than anything else available.
Just a single component of CBD was shown in an invitro study to help to lower a major pain-inducing enzyme a staggering 30X better than aspirin.
Yes, that's 3,000% STRONGER...
… but that's not all.
In an important animal study…
…scientists have also found when CBD fits into endocannabinoid receptors, its effect is 10X more powerful than traditional pain solutions.
Yes, that's 1,000% BETTER.
Take a moment to think about that.
While this research still needs to be confirmed in humans, it's pointing to the possibility that CBD could help provide the relief so many seniors are looking for.
But some human research has been done…
In an 8-week study, adults experiencing chronic pain were given a hemp extract with 15.7mg CBD and 0.5mg THC (a tiny amount), daily.
A whopping 94% of the study participants reported a significant improvement in their pain intensity, and how much pain was interfering with their lives.
And more than half of the groups were able to reduce or even eliminate the use of their prescription pain relievers.
Again, this study was done using CBD and a very small amount of THC combined. We'll have to wait to see how research in humans using just CBD holds up.
But these preliminary results are impressive. And more and more science is being done.
My friend, we're entering a brand-new era of natural relief.
Imagine if you could be like the many people who say they have already tried CBD with success …
Once you get your hands on a supply of the right kind of CBD…
…you could feel sweet relief in your knees, lower back, hands and shoulders… every overworked joint that's bothering you now…
Pulling on your shoes and jumping out the door to enjoy a warm, sunny day, knowing that your body won't hold you back from having a blast…
… and after hours of adventure, plopping into bed to catch up on some much-needed, refreshing sleep.
Now that we finally understand the initial science behind CBD…
How your endocannabinoid system uses CBD to turn on those critical receptors to help keep your body in balance from head to toe…
…it's easy to see how all the stories of success could be 100% true.
The truth is, it seems as if our bodies were designed to use CBD.
Your endocannabinoid receptors could be waiting for CBD… so they can finally help bring you the relief you've been looking for.
In a minute, I'll give you my doctor-developed 3-point checklist for selecting the right CBD.
But first, science shows there's even more that CBD may do....
In a recent animal study, CBD was shown to have anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects.
Someone who commented on an article from The New York Times tells this story of taking CBD for the first time:
“… from that day I have been more relaxed than ever in my life. It not only made me less anxious and on edge, but also helped me enhance my focus*, sleep and be more mindful of the things around me.”
Here's what another restless person said after trying CBD for the first time, at night:
“Thirty minutes later, I was surprised by how subtle the effect was. My heart stopped pounding, my legs stopped kicking beneath my sheets, my mind stopped racing… eventually, physical relaxation gave way to mental relaxation, and I drifted off to sleep.”*
*Results may vary.
As amazing as it may seem, science is barely scratching the surface of what CBD can do.
It's practically re-writing the rules of understanding how our bodies feel and function and how good we can feel…
… and we simply have no idea what the limits are.
Now, I want to cover a very important point.
Even with the growing scientific evidence that CBD is exactly what your body may be starving for, many people still worry about CBD and their brain…
But here's great news.
As you learned before, you have endocannabinoid receptors all over your body, including your brain.
Researchers in Spain began to theorize from animal studies that if they could help unlock these brain receptors, it could be the key to helping prevent age-related memory loss.
In vitro and animal science is showing cannabinoids may help support the brain and protect against aging in the brain that can lead to memory loss.
In fact, early animal studies are showing CBD could help slow age-related cognitive decline. It's incredible!
Which is why Dr. Esther Blessing of NYU's School of Medicine says, “CBD is the most promising [solution] that has come out for [the brain] in the last 50 years.”
Again, we still need more research to confirm how CBD will work in the brain for humans, but it's exciting to hear of this potential!
Imagine taking a powerful daily dose of CBD.
You sit back and let it zoom straight to your endocannabinoid receptors…
…and once it works its magic, over time, you'll find you can stand up, flex your arms…
...and realize your hands and shoulders feel better.
You could take a few steps and feel your knees, lower back and hips moving more smoothly and easily.
You could sleep better at night, too.
No aches keeping you struggling to find that perfect position.

And when you jump out of bed in the morning, you don't even have to think about bracing yourself for any twinges…
Your thinking stays sharp too.
You feel… darn good. No, better than good.
Now you understand, deep in your bones, exactly why so many people rave about CBD
As I love to ask my patients… What would YOU do if your pain is relieved?
Plan a fun evening out on the town with your spouse and waltz down the main street to your favorite restaurant?
Maybe reserve some cruise tickets and finally tour the most beautiful parts of the world?
Or even something as simple as relax on your comfy couch to watch your favorite movie… without getting distracted by discomfort?
When you finally get to enjoy life like that… it could all be because your endocannabinoid receptors have been activated.
That's what CBD is believed to do.
But let's answer another important question…
“Is CBD addictive?”

No. In fact, the World Health Organization published a report confirming “CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential… To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”
Another important question to answer is, “Will it make me feel funny? Will I get high?”
You won't.
CBD is NOT the marijuana or “pot” that people use to get high.
CBD doesn't give you any sort of “high” feeling.
But, you need to be certain you get the right kind…
Getting the right kind of CBD is like walking a landmine field.
Time Magazine published alarming research from the Journal of the American Medical Association showing a frightening 7 out of 10 CBD products do not contain what they claim on the label.
Some products are even contaminated with illegal levels of THC.
And news is now reporting CBD from China has flooded the U.S. market. It could be soaked with horrific pesticides… or even heavy metals.
These mislabeled and misleading CBD products may lurk on your local store's shelves and wait for you online.
Avoiding them is confusing and overwhelming if you're new – especially because so many companies are trying to mislead you.
This is exactly why I've put together this presentation today…
It's critical to get real, high-quality CBD, in order to get the results you're looking for.
If you get low quality, mislabeled, or “FAKE” CBD, you waste your money. Or worse…
This is exactly why I've put together a 3-point checklist for helping to select real, non-mislabeled, quality CBD.
If you find a CBD product that passes all 3 of the requirements I developed…
You can feel confident you'll get the results you're looking for.
You could enjoy the sweet relief of
your discomfort disappearing…
But if the CBD product fails even a single one of my requirements… I would not purchase it. If you already have purchased it, throw it into your garbage can.
Bottom line:
Do not purchase or use any CBD without reviewing my checklist.
And don't worry about writing this down – I'll also share a reliable source of IDEAL, high-quality, CBD in a moment…
Okay here's the checklist…
Number #1:
Use CBD that has been thoroughly tested by a trustworthy 3rd party lab.
It must be pure – without contamination.
Make sure the company can actually show you the lab results so you can verify for yourself.
First, look for pesticide testing. Many manufacturers drench their CBD in dangerous, poisonous pesticides.
Next, make sure the CBD has been tested to confirm it is not spiked with THC, the active ingredient from marijuana.
Unfortunately, many companies don't even know their CBD has been spiked with illegal amounts of THC!
As a rule, you want your CBD to come from the United States and especially not from China.
Ideally, it's grown in Colorado, where ethical and healthy growing practices have been optimized for the longest amount of time.
Checklist Point Number #2:
You need to make sure you're using ONLY full-spectrum CBD from hemp.
This means it contains the full spectrum of active compounds from hemp. When you get all of them simultaneously, they work better than the sum of their parts.
In order to save money, many manufacturers sell something called isolated CBD. But it doesn't work nearly as well.
For CBD's keys to fit into the endocannabinoid system's locks, you need the complete key – the full spectrum key.
Isolated CBD is like a key with missing teeth to open a lock.
Which is why in vitro science shows full spectrum CBD is 2.5 times more powerful than isolated CBD.
Finally, you want to make sure this full spectrum CBD is highly concentrated.
As a rule, shoot for at least a 10% concentration of CBD. But 15% is even better.
Checklist Point Number #3:
You must make sure the CBD can be properly absorbed by your body.
This is a big problem with all kinds of CBD…
Let's say, through sheer luck, you manage to get your hands on some full-spectrum, USA-made CBD that's not spiked with THC or has pesticides contaminating it.
That doesn't guarantee the CBD can actually reach your endocannabinoid receptors and help switch them on…
You see, whenever you take regular CBD, very little actually makes it through your digestive system to your bloodstream.
There's even a strong chance that zero CBD reaches your bloodstream.
As a result, only a fraction could reach your endocannabinoid receptors!
But there is a solution…
I recommend taking a certain kind of CBD that's been enhanced by patent-pending technology.
It solves the absorption problem by coating CBD with a protective layer of natural lipids.
According to the creator of this technology, these lipids act like bodyguards, safely escorting CBD through your harsh stomach acid.
Here's an image of what these protecting lipids look like, on a microscopic level.

They form a double-layer of protection, surrounding nutrients against your harsh stomach acid.
Because of this patent-pending technology, the CBD will more easily pass through your digestive system. You could end up absorbing much more.
How much more?
That's exactly what scientists decided to figure out… After creating this special CBD, they tested it against regular CBD in a scientific study.
This study hasn't been published, so it hasn't been peer reviewed.
But here's what happened according to the researchers who developed this specialized CBD... 15 volunteers were given either this special CBD or regular CBD. An hour later, their blood was measured to see how much CBD was truly absorbed.
Then, two weeks later, all the volunteers did the same thing again, but switched which kind of CBD they got.
When the volunteers took regular CBD, they did not absorb much CBD at all.
In fact, a full 60% of those volunteers had ZERO detectable CBD in their bloodstream.
How many people out there are taking regular CBD and seeing ZERO results? This would certainly explain it.
The special, enhanced CBD, on the other hand, was detected in 100% of the volunteers who took it
Everyone showed different amounts of absorption. That's natural - everyone's body is different.
But the person who experienced the lowest absorption of this enhanced CBD... still had MORE of it reach their bloodstream... than the person who BEST absorbed regular CBD.
In other words, this enhanced CBD's "worst" result was superior to regular CBD's best measured result.
And according to the developers, the absorption of this specialized CBD was 17.7 TIMES higher than regular hemp.
Here's what that looks like:

Bottom line: I now recommend only using CBD with this special lipid coating.
When you do, it may have a better chance of reaching your endocannabinoid receptors… to help give you the relief you're looking for.
Okay, that's the checklist.
Now, I understand if this is still overwhelming.
After all, you need to sort through literally thousands of different CBD products. They could fill an entire building.
You need to figure out which products have been thoroughly tested… are effective… aren't from China… and are truly potent and can be easily absorbed.
It's virtually impossible to figure this out on your own, unless you've got a full-time staff of researchers. And I know this…
…because that's exactly what I've done.
It took a few years, but I managed to locate a supply of hemp-based CBD with a 20% concentration of pure CBD.
It's naturally grown in Colorado under the strictest, healthiest conditions. It's also:
100% pesticide-free…
Not spiked with THC…
Thoroughly lab tested and made with rigorous quality control guidelines that exceed industry standards (I'll show you proof in a moment) …
… and enhanced with patent-pending liposome technology (so your body can easily absorb it)—this technology is protected by an American patent…
It's, quite simply, the best CBD I know of
So, I worked with my product development team to get a small supply.
I made sure it was…
- Full spectrum.
- Made in Colorado, not China.
- Not contaminated with marijuana or pesticides.
- The proper dose and concentration.
- Enhanced with the patent-pending liposome technology.
Then I sent it to a testing laboratory to confirm it was the real deal, containing the proper dose and concentration of CBD.
I'm thrilled to say this super CBD passed the tests with flying colors. Here's proof:

# of Servings = 1, Sample Weight=1g
% = % (w/w) = Percent (Weight of Analyte / Weight of Product)
* Total Cannabinoids result reflects the absolute sum of all cannabinoids detected.
** Total Potential THC/CBD is calculated using the following formulas to take into account the loss of a carboxyl group during decarboxylation step.
Total THC = THC + (THCa *(0.877)) and Total CBD = CBD + (CBDa *(0.877))
And it’s now available in my CannaEase™ formula.

CannaEase+ is your absolute best option for finding the relief you're looking for with CBD.
If you try anything else… you run the risk of taking something that doesn't even have a drop of real CBD inside… or is even contaminated with something bad for you.
But you don't need to worry about that anymore.
Because today, I'm making CannaEase+ available directly to you through Health Sense Nutritionals.
And it is only available through this special presentation
Beware of imposters claiming they possess this level of quality if they can't show you the test results.
This is important. When you don't use the right kind of CBD, you likely won't get the results.
And CBD from China could even be unhealthy for you…
But when you use CannaEase+, everything you've heard today could come true for you.
You don't need a prescription for this.
You don't need to fly to Colorado for an appointment with me.
I'm now releasing this formula nationwide.
As long as you live in the United States, and as long as my supplies don't run out, you can take advantage of this opportunity today.
If you're anything like me, you're not going to sit on the fence and watch everyone else enjoy the benefits.
Especially when you could now get the relief you've been looking for…
In just a few moments, you'll be able to reserve your supply of CannaEase+.
But first, I've got more good news...
A special upgrade to my CannaEase+ formula…
As amazing as CBD is, there's one thing it can't do…
Yes, it could be the perfect key for your endocannabinoid system's receptors…
Yes, taking the right kind of CBD could help ease your occasional aches and discomfort…
However, CBD doesn't actually stop your joints from getting worn down with age.
After all, your joints hurt for a reason.
Think about every time you slide out of bed… or grab a jar… or simply lift something heavy.
You're able to move because your joints are supported by a tissue called cartilage, which is made up primarily by a substance called collagen.
They're like suspension cables on a bridge. They support every joint in your body.
Unfortunately, your cartilage and collagen get weaker as you grow older. Like suspension cables wearing down.
That's why it could hurt when you move.
And this is why helping to shut off the pain signals in your aging, overworked joints is only half the battle.
The final half of the battle is to repair and rebuild your cartilage and collagen
CBD doesn't do this…
…but I've found something that does.
It's a healing pulp from an exotic tree that grows in India, Africa, and the Middle East.

In fact, during times of famine, ancient tribes in India would make a nourishing soup from this healing pulp.
It's called Boswellia extract and researchers have discovered it has the ability to help rebuild the cartilage in overworked joints.
Boswellia extract helps stop the wear and tear on cartilage. It helps keep collagen strong…
… and helps keep overworked joints feeling as if they were young as a result.
In a special laboratory, scientists concentrated this Boswellia extract to help amplify its healing power. According to the creators, they improved the bioactivity.
Then, they gave this super-potent version to volunteers suffering from joint pain in a scientific study to test its power.
The volunteers took the Boswellia extract for 30 days.
They changed nothing else in their life.
They didn't take anything else for their pain – not even any CBD. They were only given some ibuprofen just in case they needed it.
And yet…
…the volunteers reported their joint stiffness relaxed a full 48% and felt their pain drop a full 50%.
That's their pain… cut in half
Their overworked joints felt smoother and more limber, too.
Of course, we know why. The Boswellia literally helps re-grow cartilage in aging joints from the inside out.
It works by triggering overworked joints to grow NEW cartilage and collagen.
Which is likely why the volunteers felt their overworked joints get stronger and stronger and feel as if they were younger…
Just so you know, this Boswellia extract is so powerful…
…the scientists found that even volunteers ranging up to 80-years-old felt their overworked joints get smoother, more flexible, and stronger…
Imagine how those participants felt... feeling relief start in just 5 days…
And in just 30 days, reducing their pain by half…and feeling this relief long-term…
This Boswellia extract is the perfect addition to CBD.
After reviewing the clinical results that Boswellia extract delivers, I made sure the Health Sense Nutritionals team included it in CannaEase+… and I made extra-sure it was the super-potent Boswellia…
So you get the benefits of BOTH powerhouse ingredients in one formula.
It's the perfect combination for anyone looking for superior joint support.
When we combined the super CBD with Boswellia extract, I thought “Finally, CannaEase+ is ready!”
But I was wrong.
Because my team and I discovered something else in our research…
Earlier, you learned how your endocannabinoid receptors are like locks and CBD is the key.
Users report it could also help you sleep better.
But if you're experiencing worrisome “brain fog” and fuzzy focus these days…
And you laugh off those “senior moments” a lot more often than you'd like to…
…my team discovered something that might help.
You see, there's a certain kind of brain wave that plays a pivotal role in how relaxed you feel, and your overall brain health.
And a study on 18 college-aged students with high anxiety levels found that when they activated this brain wave…
… it helped wash away worry, relieve stress, and enhance focus starting in 15 minutes.
Yes, 15 minutes. To activate this brain wave, they used a special, natural nutrient that comes all the way from Japan called l-theanine.
L-theanine is an amino acid that comes from certain rare plants.
Scientists gave l-theanine to the 18 college-age volunteers and then scanned their brains to show the difference. Take a look:

On the left, you can see how the brain looks red.
This is the brain before l-theanine.
Now, look at the brain on the right. Most of it now glows blue.
This is the brain with the special brain waves activated that can help deliver calm, focus, and energy.
This shows l-theanine worked like a brain tonic. Which is why you'll find l-theanine in my CannaEase+ formula.
And remember, it worked fast in the young study volunteers.
Here's the good news: This is also why I made sure we included the exact kind of patented l-theanine used in the medical studies.
As a naturopathic doctor, I can assure you…
There's no formula I've seen that has all 3 of these powerhouse ingredients.
It's been done for the first time ever with my CannaEase+ formula.
With all these ingredients flooding your system simultaneously, you could feel like a whole new person.
You could feel like your mind got an upgrade …
Your overworked joints are feeling great…
… and your joint cartilage is stronger than ever…
Your spouse asks about the new confident smile on your face…

You start strutting through your day with ease…
… and at night, you stretch out on your bed, thrilled with how much you accomplished, and look forward to some refreshing sleep…
… and, as time goes on, you feel better and better.
Now that all 3 powerhouse ingredients are combined into this unique formula… this can be your future.
This premium combination contains
the best of the best
There truly is no substitute available.
Remember, the Journal of the American Medical Association found 70% of CBD products have false labels. They might contain zero CBD or be contaminated with dangerous pesticides or even illegal THC.
Don't miss out on your chance to get your hands on the best CBD available.
When you reserve a supply today, you're getting everything.
The pure, super CBD that could plug straight into your endocannabinoid receptors for head-to-toe relief…
The ultra-potent Boswellia extract.
It's CBD's perfect partner for helping to rebuild the cartilage in your overworked joints, making them feel as if they were younger …
And the l-theanine that could help activate the brain waves associated with feeling calmer and more focused as seen in the young study volunteers.…
When you try CannaEase+, my exclusive combination of CBD with l-theanine and Boswellia…
You could feel like you haven't in years…
…when you're having fun during the day and then jumping into bed at night, before drifting off to sleep as easily as you can remember.
With this combination available nowhere else on earth…
Instead of easing out of bed and thinking about feeling a jab of discomfort, you'll bound to your kitchen, smiling about the adventures that are ahead of you…
Plus, taking CannaEase+ couldn't be easier. It's just 1 teeny, tiny capsule a day.
Seriously, take a look at how small they are:
When your own supply arrives in a few days, I highly recommend you begin taking CannaEase+ immediately.

That way…
You can start to flood your body with the full-spectrum CBD your endocannabinoid system could be starving for.
As you learned, the super CBD could start relieving your discomfort.
Plus, the l-theanine will help ensure you'll start feeling calmer even faster – remember how it helped the college students in as little as 15 minutes.
When you take CannaEase+ for the first time, start your timer.
Because every moment that ticks by is one moment closer to you shaking your head and exclaiming, “Wow, this really does make my joints feel as if they were younger…
“I. Love. CannaEase+!”
Ok, I have just one more thing to share with you...
In this presentation, you've discovered the scientific breakthrough that could make relief now possible.
You've learned how your endocannabinoid system could help ease your joint discomfort.
Nothing you've tried before could unlock your receptors. But now it's finally possible with powerful CBD.
You've discovered how CBD fits like a key into your endocannabinoid system's receptors.
You've learned how this special CBD can enter the bloodstream starting in just 1 hour…
You've learned how to select the right kind of CBD so you could get the results you deserve (and how to avoid the kinds you don't want)…
You've also learned how the super-potent Boswellia could help rebuild and help support the cartilage in your joints…
… and how l-theanine helped young study participants reduce their anxiety…
So now you must decide if you want to take advantage of this breakthrough…
With the advanced CBD in CannaEase+, you could enjoy feeling as if you were younger and with less discomfort… because you activated your endocannabinoid receptors.
Remember, the advanced CBD in CannaEase+ was shown in one study by the manufacturer to enter the bloodstream in just 60 minutes.
And with the patent-pending liposome technology, it could absorb better than regular CBD, like it did in the study.
Plus, science shows the Boswellia in CannaEase+ could also dial your overworked joint pain down … and… help rebuild the cartilage in your joints.
With CannaEase+, you're getting both the advanced CBD and super-potent Boswellia.
Plus, the l-theanine that helped reduce anxiety and improve focus in the young college participants.
With the help of CannaEase+...
You could get to fully enjoy long walks and bike rides whenever the weather's gorgeous…
If you want, you could even surprise your spouse with a fun vacation, without worrying about painful joints holding you back from a couple days of pure fun and adventure…

Plus, you could have no problem falling asleep at night.
Your thoughts may not loop and you may not toss and turn.
You could drift off to sleep without giving it a second thought.
During the day, you'll feel confident.
Imagine your next regular checkup with your doctor. You'll be able to saunter straight into your doc's office…
… and when he asks how your nagging knee has been feeling, or your lower back, you get to smile and say, “I finally tried some CBD.”
Back when my body was wracked with pain from working construction, I had a choice to make.
I could have given up. Many people do.
But, instead, I decided to learn everything I could and take action.
CBD was a key to my relief – and it can be yours too.
Today, you've already learned the truth about CBD, your endocannabinoid system, and your discomfort.
You can't “unlearn” this information.
But it's not going to do you any good unless you get the right kind of CBD for yourself.
But you now have that chance. You can make the decision to reserve your own supply of my CannaEase+ formula today!
Everything from play with your grandkids to running errands could start getting easier – you won't even have to think about it.

There's no question in my mind, CannaEase+ is the health breakthrough you've been waiting for.
But you don't have to take my word for it.
I'm so confident in this formula, I want you to try CannaEase+ with ZERO risk.
You have an unlimited guarantee when you try CannaEase+ today.
If, for any reason whatsoever, you aren't 100% satisfied with your results, simply give us a call and we'll give you back every penny, no questions asked.
Let me repeat that… for any reason at all, simply request a refund and we'll be happy to oblige.

And your guarantee NEVER expires.
You can request a refund any time in the future – it could be six months from now… a year… or even more!
We want to make sure this is a lasting solution for you.
This way, there's no pressure… and no risk… when you try CannaEase+ today.
So let's do this: When you see the button below this presentation, click on it and fill out your shipping information on the next page.
Once you do, we'll begin packing your shipment of CannaEase+ and then we'll rush it your way.
Just a few short days from now, you'll receive a discreet package from USPS.
Carefully packed inside will be your initial supply of CannaEase+.
Start taking it… and the advanced CBD inside CannaEase+ will help activate endocannabinoid receptors, just like they've been waiting for.
And starting in just 1 hour…
The CBD could enter your bloodstream.
Once it starts working its magic, along with the Boswellia…
Your discomfort could start to ease.
But that's just the beginning…
As the days go by, you could notice your joints feel better and better…
You could be sleeping better…
You could even notice your focus is better… like the “fog” has lifted…
In fact, very soon, you'll have your “I. Love. CannaEase+.” moment.
It's when you realize it's really true…
CannaEase+ with CBD helps support your joints…
…nourish your brain…
…rejuvenate your body…
…and maintain a happy life.
It could be when you're yanking on your socks for a fun weekend walk around the block…
It could be on the course when you blast that perfect drive right down the middle of the fairway and your buddies can barely contain their surprise…
Go for a fun hike…
It could simply be…
When you take this formula and feel like a whole new person!
You'll realize, “CannaEase+ with CBD truly does work!”
All thanks to this formula… and YOU choosing to enhance your health.
When you do so today, you lock in today's special low price.
And we'll even pick up the shipping cost.
That's right… you get FREE shipping on today's order.
No hassle and complete convenience. That's how we do business.
And, of course, you take no risk at all.
Your 100% satisfaction is ALWAYS guaranteed
Ok, it's time.
Time for you to reserve your own supply of CannaEase+ with ...
The advanced, full-spectrum CBD …
Super-potent Boswellia…
And l-theanine…
So, if you're ready for younger-feeling joints and a comfortable, relaxed body… go ahead and click the button below now.
It will take you to our secure reservation page, where you can select your initial risk-free supply of CannaEase+.
Do click the button now. I'll see you on the other side…
For CannaEase+ and Health Sense Nutritionals, I'm Dr. Scott Olson.
Click the “Add to Cart” button below to get your risk-free supply of CannaEase+ now.